Donald Goodman, LCSW
Goodman Therapy

Therapy should only feel as though the client and I are exchanging dialog back and forth. I want therapy to make sense to the client.
I believe that there is not one theory that works for everyone. I am comfortable using a broad range of theories. However, I am partial to using an eclectic mix of humanistic, existential, cognitive behavioral, psychoanalytic, and solution focused theories. However, the most important component of my therapy is that it is done through collaboration with my client. It is critical that the client buys into the modality that is chosen. I do not want to apply a theoretical perspective that leaves the client feeling confused. Therapy should only feel as though the client and I are exchanging dialog back and forth. I want therapy to make sense to the client.
Another important factor is that therapy is not going to change the core values of the client. A client once said to me, “I am not going to decide to leave my wife after I go to therapy with you, am I?” I replied, “Is leaving your wife what you hope to be able to do?” My client stated, “Absolutely not, I just hope to appreciate her more.” I replied, “Well, then appreciating your wife is our goal, not you coming to some realization that you do not love her or need her.” This point sounds simple. However, it is not as simple as it sounds. Many clients and therapists become lost in therapy and go in directions that are not helpful. Therapy is not rocket science, if it doesn’t make sense to my clients, then it probably does not make sense period.
Therapy is a journey that I hope to share with you. However, the answers are within you and when challenges are discussed and issues are brought up, the solutions will make the most sense to you. I think that the practice has to match the client. Not the client matching the practice. So together, we will identify the treatment modality that works best for you.
“I am always prepared to work as hard as I have to in order to reach my goals. As a therapist, I guide my practice in the same manner.”
My Experience
Donald Goodman, LCSW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
License #: 22798
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and trained mediator with over 25 years of experience providing psychotherapy and counseling services. Over my career I have helped my clients with a wide range of issues, but my specialties lie in couples counseling, children and teen issues, and all types of addictions and substance abuse. I also have extensive experience working with sexual abuse and domestic violence.
I spent over six years working with the Child’s Sexual Abuse Program where I provided group therapy to victims, siblings of victims, non-offending parents, and perpetrators.
I have spent over 25 years working in child and family welfare helping individuals, couples, and families, from intake to reunification or adoption.
I have over 25 years of experience dealing with juvenile delinquency, runaways, self-mutilations, ADHD, homicide, and suicide ideations.
Years of Experience Working with Substance Abuse and Addictions
Years of Experience Working in Mental Health
Years of Experience Working in the Child's Sexual Abuse Program
Years of Experience Working in Child and Family Welfare
Clinical Supervisor for Associate Social Workers
Former Financial Chair for the National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
Former Field Instructor for the California State University (CSUN) Master’s in Social Work Program
Seminar Instructor at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) for four years
Master’s Degree in Social Work, University of Nevada (UNLV), Las Vegas, Nevada
Bachelor of Arts Degree, California State University (CSUN), Northridge, California
Clinical Focus
Substance Abuse and Addictions
Have you found yourself at a point in your life where you feel that you may have a problem with alcohol or other substances? Perhaps, your loved ones have expressed some concerns for your well-being, or you have suffered legal or professional consequences due to substance misuse.
I believe that the idea of loss is foundational to therapy. Many of the issues people face can be traced back to improperly grieved loss, in some form or another. The idea of grief and loss is often avoided because it is unpleasant. Those experiencing loss tend to want to get back to their lives leaving these old wounds open. In order to make room for change, one has to mourn the loss of the old to make room for the new. There is no miracle to this process, just talk therapy. In my experience, I have seen how simply talking it through provides you with the opportunity to heal from the pain of the loss. There is nothing dysfunctional about feeling the pain of grief, loss, or abandonment. Quite the contrary, it is the way to move through the pain and heal the wound. Sometimes, healing requires someone experienced guiding you through it. Everyone mourns the loss at their own pace. Your ability to access your pain and grief will dictate the time frame needed for a full recovery and a new beginning.
All Child and Teen Issues
I have been working with youth for over 25 years. I have seen everything from high functioning autism to conduct disorder. Whether you are struggling to get your child to follow directions or get them off of heroin, the chances are that I have worked with that issue many times. I started my career working with youth and I will continue to work with this special population as long as I am in this field.
Youth Sports and Parenting/Family Dynamics
Individual Therapy
Individual counseling sessions provide an opportunity for you to dig deep into your past, heal traumas, learn new coping skills, let go of guilt and shame, and make important life decisions. In my private practice, I have helped many people find their purpose and overcome setbacks. I am pleased to be of service to individuals who are looking to make positive changes in their lives and discover their true potential. I am confident in my ability to provide an open, nonjudgmental, and supportive approach in the therapeutic relationship with my clients on an individual basis. I believe my job is to guide you to the answers within yourself. I use eclectic techniques that are rooted in a variety of evidence-based practices and tailored to fit each individual client.