(661) 932-8200 [email protected]

Donald Goodman, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Experienced Therapist Working With:

Individuals, Couples, Families, Children, Adolescents, and Adults

Looking to Reconnect with Your Partner?

Let me help the two of you build a stronger, happier, and healthier relationship.

Are you lost due to an addiction or other critical issue?

Together, we can get you on the Road to Recovery.

Are you concerned about emotional/psychological issues related to your child?

I can help you resolve whatever it is.

About Me

Donald Goodman, LCSW
Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling and Individual Therapy

Starting marriage and couples counseling or individual therapy is challenging. I truly believe that the only obstacle to overcoming challenges in life is commitment. My mantra for success is, “In order to reach my goals, I am always willing to get up earlier and stay up later.” This basic principle is my commitment to a healthy life. I don’t always believe that it has to be difficult. However, I am always prepared to work as hard as I have to in order to reach my goals. As a therapist, I guide my practice in the same manner. You may come to me with a very serious challenge that takes time to address or your challenge may be resolved in only a few sessions. Together, we will determine which route is best for you and work towards achieving your goals.

The most important part of marriage counseling and couples therapy is making a connection with the client. As a father, husband, professor, and therapist, I pride myself on my ability to empathize with others. What I believe separates me from other therapists is the careful attention that I pay to this connection. When I enter a session with a client, I am present with them the entire time we are together, and all of my attention goes into trying to understand their situation. Once the session is over, my attention to the needs of my clients do not cease. Whether it is returning a phone call in a timely fashion, keeping a scheduled appointment, or being flexible with a client’s life circumstances.

Please feel free to browse my site, it is filled with many useful resources regarding couples and marriage counseling, individual therapy, stress management, abuse and crisis concerns. I am here to help!

Clinical Focus

Substance Abuse and Addiction

Have you found yourself at a point in your life where you feel that you may have a problem with alcohol or other substances? Perhaps, your loved ones have expressed some concerns for your well-being, or you have suffered legal or professional consequences due to substance misuse.


I believe that the idea of loss is foundational to therapy. Many of the issues people face can be traced back to improperly grieved loss, in some form or another. The idea of grief and loss is often avoided because it is unpleasant. Those experiencing loss tend to want to get back to their lives leaving these old wounds open.  In order to make room for change, one has to mourn the loss of the old to make room for the new. There is no miracle to this process, just talk therapy. In my experience, I have seen how simply talking it through provides you with the opportunity to heal from the pain of the loss. There is nothing dysfunctional about feeling the pain of grief, loss, or abandonment.  Quite the contrary, it is the way to move through the pain and heal the wound. Sometimes, healing requires someone experienced guiding you through it. Everyone mourns the loss at their own pace. Your ability to access your pain and grief will dictate the time frame needed for a full recovery and a new beginning.


Depression is perhaps the most common mental health issue in the field. For many, medication is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about depression treatment. With this disorder, careful attention should be spent deciding if medication is needed and/or if the proper therapy and lifestyle changes can release you from depression’s grip. There are obvious dangers of becoming dependent on medication to treat your condition versus only using it as a bridge. Using it as a bridge may help you access what you need in order to eventually cope without it. While some people may need to remain on medication to treat their depression, others are able to successfully wean off if it. As an experienced clinician, I have treated many clients with depressive symptoms. I can help guide you through that decision by using a variety of therapeutic techniques.

Children and Teen Issues

I have been working with youth for over 25 years. I have seen everything from high functioning autism to conduct disorder. Whether you are struggling to get your child to follow directions or get them off of heroin, the chances are that I have worked with that issue many times. I started my career working with youth and I will continue to work with this special population as long as I am in this field.

Youth Sports and Parenting/Family Dynamics

After years of working with athletes and their families in this community. I have seen the serious negative mental health consequences on both the athletes and their parents as they suffer through the fallout their behavior has on each other. I believe families can better interact while being supportive and involved as their athletes navigate their way through youth sports at any level. Getting the formula correct is crucial to both the success your athlete has in their sport while not sacrificing the relationship in the process.

Individual Therapy

Individual counseling sessions provide an opportunity for you to dig deep into your past, heal traumas, learn new coping skills, let go of guilt and shame, and make important life decisions. In my private practice, I have helped many people find their purpose and overcome setbacks.  I am pleased to be of service to individuals who are looking to make positive changes in their lives and discover their true potential.  I am confident in my ability to provide an open, nonjudgmental, and supportive approach in the therapeutic relationship with my clients on an individual basis.  I believe my job is to guide you to the answers within yourself.  I use eclectic techniques that are rooted in a variety of evidence-based practices and tailored to fit each individual client.

Couples Therapy

Relationship and couples therapy is the process of counseling the parties of the relationship in an effort to recognize and better manage or reconcile troublesome differences and repeating patterns of distress. Many couples face issues that start to pile up over time and threaten the stability of their relationship. I have extensive knowledge in guiding couples to better communication strategies, finding compromises, getting needs met, and providing guidance to repair the damage left by past infidelities or other indiscretions.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is the most underreported type of abuse. New research says that one in six men and one in three women were sexually abused in some way. It is possible that due to the taboos associated with sexual abuse, that number may even be higher. Some people find it difficult to ask for help and reveal this part of their past. There is a high degree of shame, betrayal, and guilt associated with sexual abuse survivors. Generally, the depth of how badly someone was hurt by sexual abuse is based on several factors. The level of betrayal – meaning, how close to you is the perpetrator? Was it your mom, dad, or other family member? The actual physical aspect of it; was it exposure, fondling, intercourse, and/or rape? How long did it go on for? And, at what age did it start and end at? In healing this deep violation, the therapist must explore all aspects of the abuse and assist you in addressing how the abuse may be playing out in your current intimate relationships.

Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, domestic violence is much more common than one might think. I don’t believe in blaming or shaming, but instead just changing this incredibly destructive cycle of abuse. Many people don’t understand that domestic violence is not just physical but can be verbal or emotional. Domestic violence can be used to intimidate or control someone without physical contact. Yelling, breaking things, throwing things, and slamming doors are all more subtle ways partners may scare their loved ones. I am comfortable working with individuals, couples, and/or families experiencing this issue in their life.

I believe that you are the expert on your own life and each case is different. For example, some people cannot use drugs and alcohol and others are able to use in moderation. I offer a safe and nonjudgmental space to explore such issues and provide experienced advice for the direction you choose to take. I believe that together we can develop a treatment plan that is best suited for you.

My Book

Do Good Therapy – Infidelity

From my years of experience working with couples, I have produced a book entitled Infidelity. In it, I demystify the complicated nature of extramarital affairs, be it emotional or physical, and offer a practical 10-step approach to cope and move towards healing and stability.

What My Clients Are Saying

Being somewhat new to family counseling, Donald has been a great help to me and my relationship. Donald has helped me recognize things to look for in a relationship that are not relationship problems, but my own issues and fears. Donald has been very easy to talk to and he is someone I can relate to, not only a counselor, but as a person who is truly committed in helping me work towards being a better person.

When my wife and I began to struggle in our relationship of over 20 years, Don Goodman came into our lives very unexpectedly. He immediately helped us both create a safe environment in which we could both work through our issues independently and become at peace with ourselves. He then brought us together as a couple with a renewed value in ourselves and the ideals of a truly intimate marriage. Today we continue to progress through our renewed relationship and grow closer as a couple each day. If you believe that there are angels amongst us who guide us through difficult times, then Don Goodman would be one.

Donald Goodman is a therapist with the right amount of insight and compassion to help me on my path to wholeness.

In a world with many therapists, it is nice to have a healer. Donald Goodman is that kind of therapist. He creates an atmosphere that allows for discovery, acceptance and renewal. I am truly grateful to have found Donald when I did. The teacher did appear when the student was ready!

Donald really helped out with the relationship between my mother and myself. There were decades of issues that we had never addressed and a history of addiction. Donald went out of his way to facilitate a breakthrough for my Mom and I. He is genuine and relate-able while being extremely insightful into the dynamics of family relationships. We are so grateful for his involvement in our lives!

Last December, I thought I was going to lose my son. He was smoking pot, drinking, ditching school, had a horrible attitude and was completely defiant. Once a straight A student and I was at my wits end and was seriously considering Boot Camp or a Military school. I was desperate to find help for my son. My son had already seen counselors and therapists and made it clear that they didn’t do any good and that he refused to try again. That is when I found Donald Goodman on the Psychology Today website. I was so inspired by his approach and attitude and thought if only I could get my son to see him! I made a deal with my son and said ‘If you don’t like him then you don’t have to go’ I took my son to see him, …after one hour, my son got into the car, a smile on his face and said, ‘Mom, have you ever just talked to someone and they just get you?’ That was over three months ago. My son is no longer messing up in school, his attitude has changed tremendously, his eyes are clear and our house is feeling like a home once again. Donald has a way about him that is like no other. He just connects! I am so very grateful for Donald.


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